In my first post I ran into some permisions issues related to Python and Pip.
Confession Time - Pip Permissions
When my original Mac was new, I tried to install something early on with
pip - and I took
some shortcuts. One in particular, I suspect, will haunt me until I
nuke-and-pave my Mac… overuse of sudo
to get around install issues.
I’m not the first to
take the easy way out
and knew using sudo
with pip is a
security risk.
Despite that I let myself follow some well intentioned installation
advice from a project long since forgotten instead of using
or some alternative.
Taking the “easy” way out with the following command instead of setting up my virtual environments like I should…
Installing Pygments again…
Update: Hugo v0.28+ Uses Chroma
According to Hugo’s Syntax Highlighting page, Hugo have moved to Chroma instead of Pygments for default syntax highlighting for speed purposes. I found this out when some of the formatting on my code blocks didn’t look right after I upgraded.
I will need to come back through and decide if I’m going to fully move over to Chroma - since I’m still early it’s probably the right move so that I’m not fighting against the default.
Update: I did end up making the update to Chroma.
Update: I did finally switch to venv
(Python 3) and virtualenv
(Python 2) as specified in Creating Virtual Environments.